Resque is a Redis-backed Ruby library for creating background jobs, placing them on multiple queues, and processing them later.
Since AppSignal Ruby gem 2.11 and newer Resque integration is automatic. If you have previously included or extended modules in your Resque job classes, they can now be removed.
Older integration
In older versions of the AppSignal Ruby gem (2.10 and older) the following steps were needed to instrument Resque jobs. If you have upgraded to the latest version of the Ruby gem, these steps are no longer needed and will result in a deprecation warning being logged and printed.
It was needed to add an instrumentation module to Resque jobs classes.
class MyWorker
# Add the following line for older AppSignal Ruby gem versions
extend Appsignal::Integrations::ResquePlugin
def self.perform(*args)
# ...
Active Job support
The Resque integration is compatible with Active Job.
Upgrade to version 2.11.0 of the Ruby gem or newer for improved support.
Older Active Job support
In older versions of the AppSignal Ruby gem (2.10 and older) the following steps were needed to instrument Resque jobs. If you have upgraded to the latest version of the Ruby gem, these steps are no longer needed and will result in a deprecation warning being logged and printed.
When using ActiveJob, it was needed to include Appsignal::Integrations::ResqueActiveJobPlugin
class MyActiveJobWorker < ApplicationJob
# Add the following line for older AppSignal Ruby gem versions
include Appsignal::Integrations::ResqueActiveJobPlugin
queue_as :default
def perform(*args)
# ...
Example apps
We've added a Rails 5 + Resque example app to our examples repository. Please take a look if you're having trouble getting AppSignal for Resque configured.