Ruby on Rails
Ruby on Rails is supported out-of-the-box by AppSignal. To install follow the installation steps in AppSignal, start by clicking 'Add app' on the accounts screen.
The AppSignal integration for Rails works by tracking exceptions and performance in requests. When an error occurs in a controller during a request AppSignal will report it. Performance issues will be based on the duration of a request and create a timeline of events detailing which parts of the application took the longest.
Active Job
Support for Active Job for all adapters is available in Ruby gem 2.11.0 and newer.
See our Active Job page for more information.
Error reporting during start-up
By default AppSignal does not report errors that occur during the start/boot of your application. To do get notified when these errors occur, adding the following to your
file, around the line that requires the environment.rb
require ::File.expand_path("../config/environment", __FILE__)
rescue Exception => error
The errors that occur here will not be grouped under an incident with an action name.
Background jobs
AppSignal supports ActiveJob for several background job libraries, such as Sidekiq. Please see the full list of Ruby library integrations for more details.
Backtrace cleaner
With the Rails integration, AppSignal will run the backtrace of each exception through the Rails backtrace cleaner. This cleaner gives you the option to modify or filter out unwanted backtrace lines, removing clutter and noise from the backtrace.
You can add or remove filters and silencers to the default configuration.
Filters will mutate the given line. An example would be to remove the Rails.root
Silencers will remove the line from the backtrace, if the given expression returns true
. You can add these additional backtrace cleaner rules in an initialize.
For example:
# config/initializers/backtrace_cleaner.rb
bc = Rails.backtrace_cleaner
bc.add_filter { |line| line.gsub(Rails.root.to_s, '<root>') }
bc.add_silencer { |line| line.index('<root>').nil? and line.index('/') == 0 }
bc.add_silencer { |line| line.index('<root>/vendor/') == 0 }
For more information about the backtrace cleaner, see the Rails BacktraceCleaner documentation.