Active Job

Note: Full support for Active Job was added in Ruby gem 2.11.0.

Active Job is a framework for declaring jobs and making them run on a variety of queuing backends shipped with Rails.

The Active Job integration tracks the execution and events from the job being performed.


  • Job name, e.g. MyBackgroundJob#perform as used to group the job for AppSignal incidents.
  • Events, all *.active_job events.
  • Arguments, the argument given to the job with perform_later.
  • Queue, if the adapter supports multiple queues it tags the sample with the queue name.
    • Tag: queue, value String
  • Queue time, on Rails 6 and newer, job queue times are reported for the namespace in which the jobs are being processed. This graph can be found on the Performance > Graphs page.
  • Priority, if the adapter supports job priority it tags the sample with the configured priority.
    • Tag: priority, value String/Number
  • Active job id, the job id as reported by the Active Job. This is the internal job id used by Active Job.
    • Tag: active_job_id, value String
  • Provider job id, the job id as reported by the Active Job adapter. This is the internal job id used by the adapter.
    • Tag: provider_job_id, value String/Number

Supported adapters

The Active Job integration supports all Active Job adapters. It may also support adapters not listed on that page, but available as a separate gem. These are not tested against.

Integration with AppSignal supported libraries

Background job libraries AppSignal integrates with separately wrap the Active Job integration. This allows these integrations to more accurately report events and metadata from those libraries themselves and not just Active Job.

If a library is not listed here, the Active Job integration will only instrument the Active Job execution of the job.

Reported metrics

  • active_job_queue_job_count - counter
    • A counter metric reporting the number of processed and failed jobs per queue.
    • Tag queue:
      • Named queue in which jobs are processed, e.g. default or mailer.
    • Tag status:
      • Status of each job, either processed or failed. Jobs that are failed are also counted as processed.
  • active_job_queue_priority_job_count - counter
    • A counter metric reporting the number of processed and failed jobs per queue and priority. This metric is only reported if the Active Job adapter supports a priority system.
    • Tag queue:
      • Named queue in which jobs are processed, e.g. default or mailer.
    • Tag status:
      • Status of each job, either processed or failed. Jobs that are failed are also counted as processed.
    • Tag priority:
      • Priority given to each job, e.g. 0 or 1.

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AppSignal is a great way to monitor your Ruby, Elixir & Node.js applications. Works great with Rails, Phoenix, Express and other frameworks, with support for background jobs too. Let's improve your apps together.

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