Removing an application
An application (app) in AppSignal is defined as the combination of the application name and environment, e.g. "My app - production". You can only remove/delete one environment at a time through the UI.
Please follow the uninstall guide for the programming language of your application(s) listed below:
- Ruby gem uninstall guide
- Elixir package uninstall guide
- JavaScript for Front-end package uninstall guide
When your app is no longer pushing data to the AppSignal servers, remove your app on the App Settings page for your app on
- Visit the App Settings page.
- Scroll down to the bottom of the page.
- In the "Delete <app name>" section, click on the "delete <app name>" button and confirm the confirmation prompt.
Your app is now scheduled for deletion. It and all its data will be removed from your organization and our servers. This may take a few minutes, after which it will disappear from your apps list.