Instrumenting Ecto queries

AppSignal uses Ecto’s Telemetry instrumentation to gain information about queries ran in your app by attaching a handler that gets called whenever a query is executed.

Automatic instrumentation

The Ecto instrumentation automatically hooks into your Ecto repos if you've set your :otp_app configuration to match your app's OTP app name. The new installer wil automatically set that option, but you'll need to add it to your appsignal.exs config file manually when upgrading:

config :appsignal, :config,
  otp_app: :appsignal_phoenix_example, # <-- Add this
  name: "appsignal_phoenix_example",
  push_api_key: "your-api-key",
  env: Mix.env

The integration thens use your app's configuration to find out which repos are configured, as your app will have a configuration line like this in config/config.exs :

config :appsignal_phoenix_example,
  ecto_repos: [AppsignalPhoenixExample.Repo]

Manual handler attachment

For repos that aren't listed in the :ecto_repos configuration, you can attach a handler manually when starting your app’s supervisor. In most applications, this is done in your application’s start/2 function.

def start(_type, _args) do
  children = [
    [:appsignal_phoenix_example, :repo, :query],
  opts = [strategy: :one_for_one, name: AppsignalPhoenixExample.Supervisor]
  Supervisor.start_link(children, opts)

In this example, we’ve attached the Telemetry handler to our Phoenix application by calling :telemetry.attach/4 with the following arguments:

Argument 1

"appsignal-ecto" is the name of the handler. This should be unique. If you have multiple repos you’d like to have instrumentation for, give each a unique name (like "appsignal-ecto-1" and "appsignal-ecto-2").

Argument 2

[:appsignal_phoenix_example, :repo, :query] is the name of the event to watch. It’s a combination of the repo module’s name (AppsignalPhoenixExample.Repo), and the event name (:query).

If you're using a repo that's nested every level is it's own element. Apps.AppsignalPhoenixExample.Repo would result in [:apps, :appsignal_phoenix_example, :repo, :query].

Argument 3

&Appsignal.Ecto.handle_event/4 is the function the event will be sent to in the AppSignal integration.

Argument 4

We’ll omit the handler configuration by passing nil as the fourth argument.

Telemetry < 0.3

For versions of Telemetry < 0.3.0, you'll need to call it slightly differently:

  [:appsignal_phoenix_example, :repo, :query],

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