Upgrading from AppSignal for Elixir 1.x to 2.x

Upgrading to AppSignal for Elixir requires some manual changes. This guide covers upgrading from a Phoenix application running AppSignal for Elixir 1.x to 2.x, but is also applicable to Plug applications, or pure Elixir applications.


In the original install guide, users were encouraged to depend on version ~> 1.0 of the :appsignal dependency. This makes sure existing apps always use the latest version without automatically upgrading to version 2.0. This means you'll have to upgrade the dependency manually for existing apps.

For version 2.x, we've chosen to split the integration up into three parts to keep dependencies to a minimum. We now have a separate library for Phoenix, Plug and pure Elixir apps, named appsignal_phoenix, appsignal_plug and appsignal, respectively.

To upgrade a Phoenix app from AppSignal for Elixir 1.x to 2.x, remove the existing dependency on :appsignal, and replace it with a dependency on :appsignal_phoenix.

# mix.exs
defp deps do
    {:appsignal_phoenix, "~> 2.0"}

Like before, we recommend to use a pessimistic version constraint to always get the latest compatible version, but not upgrade to 3.x automatically.


The next step is to update your AppSignal configuration, as 2.x requires the :otp_app option to be set. If you've configured your app using the config/appsignal.exs configuration file, add the :otp_app option to match the name of your application.

# config/appsignal.exs
config :appsignal, :config,
  otp_app: :appsignal_phoenix_example, # <- Add this
  name: "AppsignalPhoenixExample",
  push_api_key: "your-push-api-key",
  env: Mix.env,
  active: true

NOTE: For umbrella Phoenix apps, use the base :otp_name, without the "_web" suffix.

If you use OS environment variables to configure your app, add APPSIGNAL_OTP_APP to configure the same option:

export APPSIGNAL_OTP_APP="appsignal_phoenix_example"
export APPSIGNAL_PUSH_API_KEY="your-push-api-key"
export APPSIGNAL_APP_NAME="AppsignalPhoenixExample"
export APPSIGNAL_APP_ENV="prod"

Instrumentation hooks

Older versions of AppSignal for Elixir, relied on Appsignal.Phoenix.Instrumenter being configured in config/config.exs to instrument parts of your Phoenix application. Since 1.12.0, AppSignal for Elixir uses Phoenix's Telemetry integration instead.

If you haven't already, you can remove the custom Appsignal.Phoenix.Instrumenter instrumenter from your config/config.exs while upgrading to 2.x.

Template rendering

Instead of the custom :template_engines from 1.x, AppSignal for Elixir 2.x uses the new Appsignal.View module to gain insights into your template rendering.

To upgrade, remove the :template_engines from config/config.exs and add use Appsignal.Phoenix.View to the view/0 function in your app's web module, after use Phoenix.View:

defmodule AppsignalPhoenixExampleWeb do
  # ...
  def view do
    quote do
      use Phoenix.View,
        root: "lib/appsignal_phoenix_example_web/templates",
        namespace: AppsignalPhoenixExampleWeb
      use Appsignal.Phoenix.View
      # Import convenience functions from controllers
      import Phoenix.Controller, only: [get_flash: 1, get_flash: 2, view_module: 1]
      # Include shared imports and aliases for views
  # ...


Lastly, query instrumentation is automatic in 2.x, so you can remove the :telemetry.attach/4 call in your application module.

Custom integrations

If you use Appsignal.Transaction.set_action/1 to override action names for actions in your Plug or Phoenix app, switch to the newly added Appsignal.Plug.put_name/2 which adds the new name to the conn. You'll have to make sure you call put_name/2 on the conn that's returned in the action:

defmodule AppsignalPlugExample do
  use Plug.Router
  use Appsignal.Plug
  get "/" do
    |> Appsignal.Plug.put_name("AppsignalPlugExample#index")
    |> send_resp(200, "Welcome")

For pure Elixir apps, you can use Appsignal.Span.set_name/2 to set the name directly on the current span:

Appsignal.Span.set_name(Appsignal.Tracer.current_span(), "AppsignalElixirExample#index")

Extra sample data

In 2.0, we handle sample data through adding tags or custom data, as explained in the tagging guide. To tag a sample with extra data, use the "tags" key:

Appsignal.Span.set_sample_data(Appsignal.Tracer.root_span, "tags", %{locale: "en"})

To add custom data as a map, add use the "custom_data" key:

Appsignal.Span.set_sample_data(Appsignal.Tracer.root_span, "custom_data", %{foo: "bar"})

Note: The "params", "session_data" or "environment" will be overwritten at the end of the request in Plug and Phoenix applications. We recommend using "custom_data" instead.

Custom instrumentation

If you added custom instrumentation in your app you used Appsignal.TransactionRegistry in the past. In 2.x this is no longer necessary, you can instrument without using the registry. Please check out the custom instrumentation documentation for more information about custom instrumentation in 2.x.

Deprecated functions

2.x removed internal functions from the API that were no longer needed to function.

First off, the Appsignal.Plug module was moved to the separate :appsignal_plug package, and the Appsignal.Phoenix.* modules were moved to :appsignal_phoenix.

Aside from that, the following modules and functions were removed:

Removed modules

  • Appsignal.Backtrace
  • Appsignal.ErrorHandler
  • Appsignal.ErrorLoggerHandler
  • Appsignal.LoggerHandler
  • Appsignal.Transaction
  • Appsignal.Transaction.ETS
  • Appsignal.Transaction.Receiver
  • Appsignal.Transaction.Registry
  • Appsignal.Phoenix.Instrumenter
  • Appsignal.Phoenix.Plug
  • Appsignal.Phoenix.TemplateInstrumenter

Removed functions

  • Appsignal.Demo.create_transaction_error_request/0
  • Appsignal.Demo.create_transaction_performance_request/0
  • Appsignal.Ecto.log/1
  • Appsignal.Error.metadata/1
  • Appsignal.Error.normalize/2
  • Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/4
  • Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/5
  • Appsignal.Instrumentation.Helpers.instrument/6
  • Appsignal.Utils.MapFilter.filter_parameters/1
  • Appsignal.Utils.MapFilter.filter_session_data/1
  • Appsignal.Utils.MapFilter.filter_values/2
  • Appsignal.Utils.MapFilter.get_filter_parameters/0
  • Appsignal.Utils.MapFilter.get_filter_session_data/0
  • Appsignal.plug?/0
  • Appsignal.phoenix?/0
  • Appsignal.live_view?/0
  • Appsignal.add_report_handler/0
  • Appsignal.remove_report_handler/0
  • Appsignal.send_error/5
  • Appsignal.send_error/6
  • Appsignal.send_error/7
  • Appsignal.Plug.handle_error/4
  • Appsignal.Plug.finish_with_conn/2
  • Appsignal.Plug.try_set_action/2
  • Appsignal.Plug.extract_error_metadata/1
  • Appsignal.Plug.extract_action/1
  • Appsignal.Plug.extract_sample_data/1
  • Appsignal.Plug.extract_request_headers/1
  • Appsignal.Plug.extract_meta_data/1
  • Appsignal.Phoenix.extract_error_metadata/3
  • Appsignal.Phoenix.submit_http_error/5
  • Appsignal.Phoenix.Channel.channel_action/5
  • Appsignal.Phoenix.Channel.set_metadata/2
  • Appsignal.Phoenix.Channel.handle_event/4

Welcome to 2.x!

This should cover upgrading most Phoenix applications to 2.x. If you have any questions, or would like assistance upgrading to the new version, please don't hesitate to contact support.

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AppSignal is a great way to monitor your Ruby, Elixir & Node.js applications. Works great with Rails, Phoenix, Express and other frameworks, with support for background jobs too. Let's improve your apps together.

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