Sourcemaps API

Sourcemaps are used to get the original line and column number from a minified backtrace.

This API provides an easy way to upload private sourcemaps for use with frontend errors.

Sourcemap create

This endpoint enables the creation of private sourcemaps.

Request methodPOST
Requires authentication?Yes (Push API key)
Response formatsJSON


All parameters, except for file can be sent either in the POST body or as GET parameters. All parameters are required.

push_api_keyStringYour organization's Push API key.
app_nameStringName of application in AppSignal the sourcemap is meant for.
environmentStringEnvironment of application in AppSignal the sourcemap is meant for.
revisionStringDeploy marker revision reference.
nameArray of StringsList of filenames that the sourcemap covers. This should be a full URL to the minified JavaScript file, as you see it in the backtrace, including any url params.
fileFileSourcemap to upload.


  • The API will return a 201 HTTP status code if successful.
  • The API will return a 400 HTTP status code with a JSON response when a validation error has occurred.
  • The API will return a 404 HTTP status code if no app exists for the given app name, environment and Push API key combination.

400 response body example:

{ "errors": ["The following errors were found: Name can't be empty"] }


curl -k -X POST -H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
  -F 'name[]=https://localhost:3000/application.min.js?vsn=d ' \
  -F 'revision=abcdef' \
  -F 'file=@/~project/' \

NOTE: Maximum upload size allowed for sourcemap file is 100MB.

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