Sourcemaps API
Sourcemaps are used to get the original line and column number from a minified backtrace.
This API provides an easy way to upload private sourcemaps for use with frontend errors.
Sourcemap create
This endpoint enables the creation of private sourcemaps.
Endpoint | /api/sourcemaps |
Request method | POST |
Content-Type | multipart/form-data |
Requires authentication? | Yes (Push API key) |
Response formats | JSON |
All parameters, except for file
can be sent either in the POST body or as GET parameters. All parameters are required.
Parameter | Type | Description |
push_api_key | String | Your organization's Push API key. |
app_name | String | Name of application in AppSignal the sourcemap is meant for. |
environment | String | Environment of application in AppSignal the sourcemap is meant for. |
revision | String | Deploy marker revision reference. |
name | Array of Strings | List of filenames that the sourcemap covers. This should be a full URL to the minified JavaScript file, as you see it in the backtrace, including any url params. |
file | File | Sourcemap to upload. |
- The API will return a
HTTP status code if successful. - The API will return a
HTTP status code with a JSON response when a validation error has occurred. - The API will return a
HTTP status code if no app exists for the given app name, environment and Push API key combination.
400 response body example:
{ "errors": ["The following errors were found: Name can't be empty"] }
curl -k -X POST -H 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
-F 'name[]=https://localhost:3000/application.min.js?vsn=d ' \
-F 'revision=abcdef' \
-F 'file=@/~project/' \